Parents seek answers in school face painting incident

DECLO, Idaho (KBOI) - Parents with students at Declo Elementary fired off tough questions at school board members Tuesday night after students were allowed to draw on faces of other students as punishment.

"We want to know this isn't going to happen again," said Cindy Hurst, who's child was one of six students in a fourth grade class who's face was painted on as punishment for not reaching a reading goal.

Students who failed to meet the goal could either stay inside at recess or have their faces written on by classmates.

More than 50 parents showed up to share their concerns, but right now there are still more questions than answers.

"There is so much anger that it causes a worry of the safety of our children at Declo Elementary," said Geri Linjenquist, PTO president at the elementary.

The Cassia County Joint School Board says it's continuing to look into the incident.

The Idaho State Department of Education's Professional Standards Commission is examining the case.
